Thursday, 29 September 2016

Day 3 - 273 -- Caffeine

Today is Coffee Day, according to the hosts of a morning TV show. It didn't appear that they were all drinking coffee, but they mentioned the day with a few cracks about coffee drinkers. I don't drink coffee, but I love tea. I'm not sure a day goes by without a cup or several of tea. My days begin and end with chai latte. During the day I am currently drinking a fantastic Kenyan blend early in the day followed by a decaf blend. I've tried many kinds of tea and really only enjoy black tea without milk -- despite the rude comments made to me by a tea barista type at a world famous tea company store. I did walk out without buying anything there and went to a different store with specialty teas and went crazy. <smile>  I don't drink flavoured tea, with the exception of chai and then only a particular blend of chai with a hit of pepper for that bolder, in your face taste.  No fruity things. I do enjoy African blends which come from the rift valley as well as blends from Malaysia and stronger more bracing breakfast blends. I know many coffee connoisseurs who are just as precise with the blends and roasts that they enjoy most.

Caffeine is likely the world's most socially accepted drug. Addicting a new generation through creamy, flavoured drinks seems the current way to keep the business going. Coffee is a major economic enterprise, sitting second only to oil in the trading in stock exchanges and futures markets. It is very big business. Just think where you go everyday and how often you pass by some place that will pander to your addiction. As a drug, if we stop consuming caffeine there are withdrawal symptoms -- headaches, crankiness, agitation and such. Yet, we see this as acceptable in order to have the wonderful beverages that offer that zing.

A song for the day seemed easy. There are many that came to mind. I settled on one that deals with more than just coffee, though coffee is the core topic of the lyrics. It has been sung for decades in many cover versions. Enjoy!

Java Jive -- The Manhattan Transfer

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