Another day filled with interesting meetings and presentations. Conferences can be invigorating and validating. Invigorating since new ideas and people interested in their particular topic share their passions. Validating since you discover many other people are dealing with the same issues as you, so you can discuss possible ways to address the problems. That networking is a key aspect of any major meeting -- what goes on in the hallways outside the presentations and meetings, is just as important. This particular meeting involved presenters from 54 nations, the host country (Spain) having the largest number of presenters with the second largest being Canada. Total delegates were about 1800 from around the world. That kind of networking is invaluable.
During the closing session, the coordinator of the next meeting in 2020 (it is held once every 4 years) spoke about her country of South Africa. It was also noted that Canada had been successful in its bid for the 2024 congress. Planning will begin soon. It is a mammoth undertaking, but very exciting to have it in Canada. The one other time I attended this congress (this year's was the 17th congress) was when it was held in Chicago. It moves around the world so isn't close to home often.
The song that seemed to fit my feelings at the end of this meeting reflected the many connections made and work plans developed. It is sung by a group that reinvented its name over the years. Enjoy!
Nothing's gonna stop us now -- Starship
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