Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Day 3 - 271 -- Digital or Analog?

It was another very cool day with temperatures below expected values for this time of year. There was some sun in the morning but mainly cloud as the day progressed. The good part of this was that when out walking to appointments, the sunglasses and the clouds helped to keep the light from creating further issues with the migraine -- the old photophobia. Still managed to get the key things done for the day, but no grading once I got home -- just food and sleep. Interestingly, I find that often with a migraine, I need to eat something every 2 hours or so -- that is the window for getting something into the system that will stay there. <sigh>

I've been contending with software issues for the past 3 weeks -- pretty much since I returned to the office for the fall term. The e-mail program seems to be acting up. The downloaded version will not load. Last week the IT folks removed the last download and reinstalled. Everything worked like a charm for a day and a half. I sent off an e-mail to let them know things had reverted to the 'not working' mode. Haven't heard from them. Chose to wait for a day before phoning as the headache can make me go to anger before anything else -- not the best way to ask for assistance. It is urgent, though, since there have been several e-mails that don't show up on my end in the inbox, junk folder or spam folder. I've noted this in the past but very sporadically. There have been numerous missing messages in just the past week. A different software package runs the classroom management software -- the place where the course documents, slides, assignments and quizzes and such are housed. The same issue as last year is still front and centre. I can work on files without making them visible to the class members. Once I do 'turn them on' they are visible. I check to ensure this is indeed the case before logging off. Yet, several times a week, the files become hidden again once I log out. I've redone the 'show' files process and it sometimes sticks. This is a problem others seem to have, so I know I'm not losing my mind and students have encountered this in other courses, as well. The e-mail issues however, seem to just be me. There hadn't been any other reports of such goofiness when I spoke with the tech last week.

I've said it before, I am not a luddite, and I find technology interesting and fun -- when it works <grin>. The glitches present in new upgrades bring frustration since most of the daily work requires that these programs function adequately. When an upgrade to the operating system occurs, it often will stop something in the office suite from functioning, resulting in IT needing to find a work-around for it. There are times that I wonder if going back to typewriters and overhead acetates might just work better -- or <gasp> chalk <giggle>. I had mentioned to someone today that I needed to upgrade to a newer phone and she admitted to not owning a mobile device of any sort. I think I admire people who can work without such technology and choose not to buy into the continual upgrades needed.

The song that I share today deals with the oppressive aspects of technology. The singer/songwriter is a familiar face from a long time, well known group. The song is from his solo career and a relatively recent album. Enjoy!

Analog Man -- Joe Walsh

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