Saturday, 10 September 2016

Day 3 - 252 -- Wonderful Sweet Treat

Another long day of meetings ending with a wonderful walk with colleagues old and new. Walking and talking and learning new points of view can be stimulating, even when very tired or the weather chooses not to fully cooperate.  After the walk, we headed for dinner and then found a bakery shop with wonderful delights. I chose the coconut macaroons -- non-chocolate variety <smile>. They looked so perfect. They were perfect with a cup of tea as a bedtime snack. Yum.

Food and friends can bring fun to a day. While not all was perfect, we did manage to discuss some pertinent topics and learn how actions of others present addressed problems in their regions. It is always thought provoking and intriguing to see how we each have similar issues and address them in similar yet slightly different ways.

My brain is a bit overwhelmed from meetings, which might explain the song selected for the day. It seemed the only one that ran through my mind several times when choosing a selection for the day. The singer is better known for his later television work, but this is an example of his earlier musical career. Enjoy!

I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts -- Freddy Martin Show ft. Merv Griffin

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