Sunday, 20 November 2016

Day 3 - 324 -- Seeing Red

It has been a slow day -- well, I've been moving slowly. Housework managed, but other work not so much.  I had a short nap in the afternoon as head was still very fuzzy. I spent a couple of hours doing grading in the evening. I feel that the red pen has become a permanent part of my hand.

Using a red pen seems rather harsh. It appears that any marks are filled with negative ideas -- imbued with anger. Yet, comments are meant to be constructive, though the colour may produce a different feeling in the recipient. I've used pencil a times and a blue pen, but neither really show up on the page as well as red pen. When I moved to this job years ago, my aunt who had taught school for over 30 years, gifted me 2 red pens. She did this with a smile saying that I'd be needing them. She was right, of course. The grading process is enormous. Yet, I still struggle with using red pen.

A song that came to mind today has a title that fits my colour pondering as well as how I've felt with the process. It is an older song with an upbeat sound -- it made me smile as I thought of it today. Interestingly, this was co-written by Paul Simon. Enjoy!

Red Rubber Ball -- The Cyrkle

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