Sunday, 6 November 2016

Day 3 - 311 -- Moving Down that Road

After the turmoil of yesterday, things have been a bit calmer. I'm still having trouble settling in to the grading, but some work was done for the house and for the office -- not sure it was the balance that I strive for, but there was time to do bits of both.  Feeling overwhelmed can make me choose not to make a choice -- to not do what needs to be done whether for me or someone else. I'm not convinced that is a good way to go through stress, though. It seems like hiding from reality in some ways. Then again, maybe that is what I need every so often -- a way to recharge perhaps.

Moving forward isn't always as easy as it sounds. Sometimes we are paralyzed by fear or anger or frustration and just stay stuck in that one place. Working to move out of that space takes time, energy and work. Today felt like I made some progress toward doing the stuff that may not be fun stuff. Life is filled with such tasks. I've told myself that if I just sit down and do it, it will be done sooner than if I fret about it all and avoid choosing to do it now. Interesting, hmmm? Time now to choose to move down that road to see what else lies ahead -- I just need to climb over this small hurdle in the middle of that road.

The beginning lyrics from a song summed up my progress today. I've featured this group here many times and listened to them a lot in years past. Love the rhythm, poetry and tempo of this selection. Enjoy!

Up Around the Bend -- Creedence Clearwater Revival

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