Monday, 28 November 2016

Day 3 - 333 -- Past, Present and Future

Two highlights today -- I finished one large pile of grading (several smaller ones still await my attention) and I attended a great seminar on the contemporary history of the dietetic profession, mainly from an education and training perspective. Both made me smile and let my mind move into different areas of thought and work.

The other big event of the day was a meeting with my financial adviser to help me answer the question from the CDIC commercial -- "How's my money?" <grin>.  It has been three years so it seemed to be time to have an update on where things are and if we are still on track to possibly retire rather than work into my 80s. <smile>  I supplied all my numbers and we will meet in a week or so to go over the dreaded calculations that will give an idea of where the monthly income might fall. That always makes me anxious -- don't want me and the cat living on the street with a grocery cart of odds and ends. Retirees range from those with reasonable incomes to those who struggle to make ends meet -- even with the federal pension and old age supplement. Having a bunch of non-earning years due to extra years at school can affect that allotment. I'll have to request some figures from them to see where I stand, too.  Maybe I should start to buy lottery tickets.

The last meeting of the day leads me to this song. The first few lines ran through my head a lot this afternoon and into the evening. I've used this song in the past for the last line of the first stanza, and putting the lyric together as a whole today makes a lot of sense. I've chosen a version from a more recent event -- where the singer has clearly aged a bit from the original -- seemed fitting for the topic today.  And for those who don't know me personally, I love denim <smile>.

Forever in Blue Jeans -- Neil Diamond

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