Thursday, 24 November 2016

Day 3 - 329 -- A day of thanks

The day was filled with heavy grey cloud and occasional blue sky with sun. Each time I returned to the car, the windshield was very wet. While it didn't seem to rain outright, there was constant precip in the air. When I got home at the end of the day, the front porch had big flat crystals on the steps. It was just 1C, so frozen precip was part of the day -- thankfully melting as it fell. Parking lots were filled making it necessary to circle around until someone left at two locales. Everyone must be out and about. I felt today was the first day that felt less fall like with the raw north wind.

Four lectures are left in each class and we will be down to the wire this year. Missing two classes due to a fall break and Remembrance day has created a bit of stress in cramming everything into the class time -- content, reviews, activities -- all have been scaled back this year due to lack of time. So much is left to do to prepare finals, write reference letters for internship and grad school, prep for January courses, and more grading, of course <smile>. 

Today is Thanksgiving for my friends and family in the US. The television commercials have become more Christmas-y and we are in re-runs for this week <smile>. A song came to mind to celebrate this day -- in a tongue in cheek manner <grin>. Enjoy! 

Mashed Potatoes -- James Brown ft. Nat Kendrick & the Swans

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