Another day almost over. More grading involved, but only 1/4 through one large assignment this weekend. Seems I need another 15-20 hours to finish this one and then there are the smaller ones waiting in line, too. I'm not sure any of these assignments are waiting patiently. It feels as if they are jeering and calling out at all hours.
The fun for the day was working on a MOOC that I'm doing. Yes -- the timing is bad for this one, but it is amazing. It deals with the foods and feasting of Royal houses from Henry VIII to Victoria. Week 4 begins tomorrow, leaving only the 5th week. This will end just as classes end -- really bad timing. The history involved in food preparation, medical treatments, and new found foods as the globe expanded is filled with detail that is quite interesting. What were Christmas celebrations like? How did these change over the centuries and why? The latter seems appropriate since today was the Santa Parade from Toronto -- one that has been around in one iteration or another since I was a child. I have seen it in person once -- the year I lived there. Can't say I'm ready for a holiday preparation to begin, but with American Thanksgiving coming this week, it will begin in earnest. I just won't be doing much until a few days before Christmas. Again, grading takes precedence.
My perceived feeling of the papers awaiting grading and my feelings about wanting to do something other than grading led me to one song. In a playful presentation, it covers that main feeling quite well. Enjoy!
Impatience -- Elvis Costello
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