The day was lovely outside -- skies cleared with some sun. Clear skies made the moon rise easy to see. I plan to do a whack of grading over the weekend and prepare for upcoming classes -- figure out how to fit the key points into the remaining time. This will be interspersed with housework and hopefully time to watch a movie. It is difficult to remain calm at this point in the game. Things are rushing forward with no way to slow it down or even function well when one is just holding on so as not to fly off into space. Those around me seem to be in the same space -- trying to find a moment of calm or turning to isolationism to preserve self.
A song line came to mind that puts into context the concept of time moving quickly. The beat is a bit frenetic while sounding upbeat. This video is from the movie from the stage production. Enjoy!
You can't stop the beat -- Hairspray cast
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