Saturday, 9 June 2018

Day 5 - 160 -- Weariness Prevails

Slept longer than usual today, though it was a restless sleep with a lot of surfacing -- not a restful sleep despite the time spent "sleeping".  Getting up in the morning has never been an easy thing for me. Lately this has been tricky. I feel that I'm not doing a lot of physical labour and life may not be as crazy as a teaching term. So, why am I so tired?

After going flat out for months, it does take time to recoup. As I've noted before here, older brains are less resilient, so recovery from disturbed sleep takes longer than for a 20-something brain. Perhaps the nature of the file culling process adds a greater mental burden, one that makes the brain need rest. This may be true, since the task is not mindless like it may appear on the surface. It could be a combination of many things, which is the most likely explanation -- not that everything involved can be recognized. All I can say, is that today I felt very weary and accomplished less than on a usual Saturday.

A blues tune seemed to fit the day quite well. I chose this one for the band as well as for the title. Enjoy!

Sleepy Time Time -- Cream

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