This Friday brought many smiles and lots of laughter. The sun shone most of the day with warm temperatures. Software issues entered the realm of the absurd today with the third such problem arising. The week began with internal software, moved on to printer-system arguments and added an external software for data collection failing to function as expected so my data had to be taken through a phone interview. That was just silly. The printer and my computer were arguing again today, with the computer choosing a printer that is not set as default. Even when the former printer was deleted, the computer insisted on trying to connect to it. If it were consistently not working that would be one thing, but it sporadically works, so I just never know when I log into the printer if it will have jobs listed or if they have been sent into the nethersphere. The situation made me a bit punchy so I laughed a lot at the weirdness.
Chatting with friends at work and at the pub after work was pleasant. My favourite mobile food business has returned at a new location beginning tonight. The pizza there is wonderful. It was great to chat with the owner and find out what he'd been up to since closing for the winter last December. With new construction occurring on the parcel of land the pizza business would occupy on Fridays, he had to find a new place to set up. Thankfully, it is about a block further than where he had been before --still very easy to access on the way home from work. <smile> Other little things made me laugh instead of yell today. All in all, the day held the good feelings that I had when I began today -- not bad for the first full day of summer.
On the morning show today, I heard a new-to-me Canadian singer-songwriter. The song lyrics caught my attention first since these words supported my belief of the power of music and songs -- the reason this blog is written as it is. Even the word 'soundtrack' -- part of the blog title -- is used in the lyrics. Enjoy!
What a Song Should Do -- Tim Hicks
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