It was a day of doing many smaller things rather than one to focus on a single task. While I did some small bits of file culling, the rest of the time was spent providing advice to students as they prepare to begin registration next week. The afternoon involved a trip to visit my physician to check on the status of the last referral and get a second one for a different specialist. All are just follow up visits for things that haven't been creating problems but should be monitored occasionally. While there, I noted that I'd had a headache for two weeks -- one that feels like migraine pain but was different in location. He checked a few things -- pressing here and there to see if he could make me shriek -- which he did <smile>. It seems I have a knot in the upper trapezius which is creating tenderness along the occipital nerve -- makes the side of my face and head hurt. He felt the physio could assist with this. So -- seems that the file purging may be at fault for a repetitive motion injury despite my work to avoid the process for long and ensuring posture was positive throughout <sigh>.
The day ended with friends on the deck at a local pub. Now, the sun was shining, but it wasn't warm enough in my opinion to be sitting outside, but I wore extra layers to join the crew. It was nice to sit and chat about all manner of things. During this outing, I watched a bald eagle soar overhead. It reminded me that some pleasant aspects exist even when living in the back of beyond. Later in the evening, I thought of watching that bird and again, it made me feel a bit more centred and relaxed. The eagle seemed so free and in charge -- things I haven't felt securely for a while. Change can put us off kilter as we learn to adjust. But that feeling of freedom will return with that new normal.
A song that I've used here before seemed the best one for the feelings of the day. The singer-songwriter is a favourite of mine from long back. His folk-rock style worked well with the advocacy for nature, people and the world. This song has a spiritual feel to it. Enjoy!
On the Wings of an Eagle -- John Denver
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