Monday, 18 June 2018

Day 5 - 169 -- Feet not touching the ground

Where to begin? It is Monday and course registration began today. That sums up the craziness of the day. Many e-mails required us to over-ride software difficulties.Several others needed assistance with course selections for the next academic year. These are things that require checking in with several other people before providing a complete response. I left the office at 6:45 PM. It was just that kind of day. Thankfully, an afternoon meeting had to be moved later in the week -- a good thing as I lost total track of time somewhere just after noon.

All day long I felt like I was flying from floor to floor and up and down the hallways -- flying at supersonic speed. So much to do and intruding on the days of many others to fact check. There was a lengthy 'to do' list sitting on my desk that was superseded by the flurry of incoming e-mails. I read a great line when I had 2-3 minutes to scan the non-registration related messages -- "Disruption is my new normal.' (Thirsk, J., PEN eNews 8(1), June, 2018). How perfect is that? <smile>. It certainly described my plans for today. This is where the flexibility that I wrote of in an earlier post comes to the centre of survival. Understanding that intrusions will disrupt plans to varying degrees seems paramount to managing stress. Keeping this concept in mind will take some work, but it might help tomorrow be somewhat less frenetic.

A song lyric and title that fit the crazed pace of the day are shared here today. This is from the  psychedelic rock era. Enjoy!

Faster than the Speed of Life -- Steppenwolf

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