Sunday, 24 June 2018

Day 5 - 175 -- Being Connected

Several things in the past few days have shown me that people are not alone in this world. Just when one feels most isolated, someone appears by phone, text, social media or in person. This isn't always someone that you know, but someone that carries that message that we aren't on this journey by ourselves. I've seen people rally around someone going through a difficult time both in  person and online recently. A message was sent to someone, just when it was needed, even when the sender wasn't aware of the impact their wee note might have. A note that lets people know that you find them important in past, present or future life can go a very long way. I've known someone to carry a letter of mine with them every day for several years. Imagine! I had not thought my story of the role they played in my formative years would have such a profound effect, yet it arrived when they needed something to boost morale. I keep a 'self esteem' file in which I place cards, notes and e-mails that made me feel connected to others. I can pull that out on low days and remind myself of positive events.

Ask others how their day is and then really listen to their response. Smile as you pass someone in the hallway at work. Say 'please' and 'thank you' even when what you've asked is clearly in the job description -- show you appreciate their work. Offer to help even when your time is full, let people know you could take some of that time and devote it to them. Such actions can have a positive impact on others, AND they can also have an impact on you. Social support is a reciprocal concept, so we need to know that someone is there to help us when necessary, but we also have to know that we can help others when they need it. These actions also increase our social connectedness. Both of these concepts are social determinants of health -- they help our mental, physical and spiritual well-being, yet we often tend to be so wound up in our own worlds that we forget to be a social being. <smile>

Lyrics that tell us that we are not alone and little things can help more than we'd think are shared today. The video is a bit busy and fantasy-focused. The beat is way up tempo, which can get people moving -- another way to feel better about life. Enjoy!

The World is New -- Save Ferris

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