NOTE: this post is based on personal observation and not on scientific evidence, but points to areas of concern with current public health guidelines.
It has been good to see everyone wearing masks in public buildings since this practice was mandated by the province. Sadly, masks are creating the same difficulties gloves did earlier in the pandemic. I walk by masks dropped on the ground every day -- the sidewalk on Main Street, parking lots, and on the sidewalk from the hospital. Now, I suspect that some have been dropped inadvertently since many are reusable masks. However, the sheer number of masks I encounter on my walks suggests that many have been dropped on purpose. who cleans up after this thoughtlessness? Public Service workers a busy with their usual work and now have to add retrieval of personal waste of their community members to their duties. It isn't difficult to dispose of masks properly. Keep a paper bag in the car or in your purse or briefcase. Remove the mask and place it in the bag. This keeps everything else from being in contact with this waste. This bag can be safely disposed of in a garbage can near the building or parking lot, or it can be taken to a bin at home. If reusable, they can be washed once home, too.
One other concern lately is the large number of people not using sanitizers when entering a public building or retail outlet. This keeps one from spreading anything on your hands to others. Repeating this process when leaving a building helps one from infecting oneself from others who have not sanitized upon entry or after coughing or sneezing while inside.
Fewer people seem to be distancing in stores I've visited recently, also. Masks protect us from spread, but distancing helps here, too. In our town, while most people are quarantining as required for 14 days after travel outside the region or being in contact with someone who has tested positive, there are a few who are not doing this. This process ensures that a person does not infect others while they have not yet developed symptoms. It isn't easy to stay home, but it keeps the whole region safe. One person can spread this to many, many others -- termed super-spreaders.
LSS -- Mask. Distance, Dispose safely. Isolate when required. Simply put, follow the public health guidelines. This will help us all stay healthy. The song for today is a parody that notes how garbage can pile up and create health risks. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Trash Day -- Weird Al Yankovic
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