Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Day 7 - 264 -- Preparing for the Storm

It was a day filled with household chores and completing the laundry. While we are in the midst of a tropical cyclone watch and warning, there is also a frost warning for the second night in a row. That is an odd combination. The day began with sun -- a bit of hope -- but by afternoon clouds blew in with some light rain. My main task involved getting things together for the 'go bags' for the impending storm. I also needed to dig out a number of items that only come out of storage for a storm with potential for power outages. I checked all of these devices and charged the electronics, though some of these in heavy use like the laptop, may need to be charged again tomorrow. Video conferencing seems to use a huge energy hog -- but, in my books, worth every bit. <smile> 

It seemed that today didn't allow much brain space for pondering, since preparations seemed to take all the focus I can muster. Finding a small enough bag that is big enough for the essentials is a challenge. It did make me think of the carpet bag that Mary Poppins used -- she could pull out anything she needed from what appeared to be an empty bag. That would make preparations go more smoothly. I could just make a mental list and things would find their way into the interdimensional portal in that bag. <grin> 

During the packing I kept an eye on the hurricane tracking reports from the Hurricane Centre hoping this thing would wobble east and stay out to sea. It seemed to show that it was to be east of us for the early forecast and by the evening version, it was destined to come right over this area. <sigh> Tomorrow will tell us more and until it happens the probabilities we've listened to may turn into something quite different. The good thing is that we know something is heading this way. The song that seemed to fit came from my constant checking of the forecast. The sentiment in the lyrics is similar though the destination is entirely different. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

The Final Countdown -- Europe

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