Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Day 7 - 252 -- Running Away

 My outing for the day was a visit to the physio. While it is great to visit with him, pain shouldn't be a reason for such conversations. <sigh> I had a good phone chat with a friend today, too. Along with the sunshine, these two visits brought smiles. 

I've found myself feeling the desire to run away somewhere and hide from the world. Now, I don't want to run away alone, but I do want to hide from it all. There is no specific place in my mind, just somewhere isolated -- rural areas are a must. I know I live in a rural region -- a small town -- but the urge is to be where the closest neighbour is within kilometers rather than meters. I understand this reaction probably comes from the stress of living with this virus. Being more rural would reduce the stress of people failing to distance, mask or isolate (when required). The feeling of being alone could be minimized by a runaway partner. <smile> Oh, and the hiding place needs wifi <grin>. 

Lines from several songs came to mind today, but only one hit the sweet spot. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Runaway -- Avril Lavigne 

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