The sky today was sunny with many clouds entering the sky form the northeast with a gusty, cooling wind. Less haze was present than the past few days. In a brief outing to run some errands, I failed to find a battery operated LED lantern or light to add to the storm kit at the house. I may have to resort to online shopping for that one, though it won't be here in time for Teddy. The lanes at the gas station were blocked by orange pylons -- no obvious reason. So, I'll need to head back there tomorrow.
In the evening, I attended a play broadcast via Zoom. It was a one-man play with a female singer providing the soundtrack. The audience saw the stage, but from the stage the actor could see the audience in gallery format on three giant screens that stretched across the width of the theatre. Audience participation occurred through songs, call and response chants, and individuals called on to be part of the play. A question and answer session at the end provided great discussion on the process and play. It was cool to be part of a group viewing a play. I miss that.
A line from a movie musical came to mind today. I hope it makes you smile. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Choreography - Danny Kay (from White Christmas)
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