Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Day 7 - 273 -- Surprising Perspective

Today I found myself listening to the universe and realized that while things may seem not to be what we wished for, with some closer looks we can see that responses to our requests have arrived. They just look different than expected during these pandemic times. This change in perspective meant a lot to me. It helped me to see things from a more positive place. There is more that I wish for, but noticing what I have right now brings me back to the present. It reminded me of my friend who told me many times --  and well into her 90s -- not to wish my life away. Be present. Still make plans or head along a path you choose, but notice the journey and not just whatever might be on that distant horizon. 

A song that fits the day very well comes from a hip hop artist from down the highway just outside Halifax. The message is fantastic. Stay safe. Enjoy!

I've been waiting on some good news -- Classified ft. Breagh MacKinnon

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