Saturday, 26 September 2020

Day 7 - 268 -- Massaging Time

Today was sunny with warmer air than the past several days. Two online meetings occurred. One of these was a prep for a guest lecture next week -- another new platform for me to work with to appear by distance. It looks straight forward, but most of the bells and whistles will need to wait for the guest lecture I give in second term. 

I went for a short walk in the afternoon. It was wonderful. Both the brook and river are much higher but flow rates are not overly fast. I unpacked the storm emergency bags and tried to get things back to usual -- though I still struggle with what that actually looks like these days <smile>. I think the day map I'd implemented during the first 3 months needs to return. I'm not sure when it all fell apart, but sometime into the second three months. That will be my project for the next couple of weeks. I also need to get back to the retired work schedule -- 2 to 3 partial days weekly only. It seems even those of us not in paid work positions are working more hours than intended -- something I've seen in my many acquaintances working from home during the pandemic. There is no clear division of office and home. I, too, have not been on campus at the office as regularly as I had been before March. So, there needs to be some concerted effort at cramming things back into some semblance of a timed schedule.

Again, this brings me to ponder the nature of time. Time passes quickly while it feels like it is slowly plodding along. Work, on the other hand, expands to fit the time -- overfills actually, such that the feeling of 'no time' arrives -- leading us to work on those tasks for far more hours than is healthy -- and likely not as productively as we could be with some break time.. 

Today I share a song that I used as a grad student for tag lines and answering machine messages. The frenetic tempo says it all <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

No Time - The Monkees

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