Autumn arrived yesterday. With it comes the carnival food of the autumn -- pumpkin spice whatever. This was proven to me with the release (in Canada) by Kraft of pumpkin spice mac and cheese cups. <shudder>. An abomination.
I like the spice mixture, but find the overuse at this time of year similar to companies participating in early adolescent school yard competitions to see who can out-spice the other. The marketing gimmick used in lattes and baked goods seems overblown when the spice mixture with or without pumpkin colouring (as it has little flavour on its own) is found in food service operations all year long -- in muffins, chai spice mixtures, and desserts. It also seems that this odd autumn advertising scramble provides permission for some people to over-consume spiced items since they are available only for a short time. This is a key marketing ploy to get to people to feel they will miss out if they don't rush out to get the product right now. Even though we feel immune to such suggestions as adults, we really aren't. <smile>
While the world is raining pumpkin spice products, I thought of a song that made me giggle. Hope you can, too. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Pumpkin Spice Latte -- The Holderness Family
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