Thursday, 21 April 2022

9-107 (17/4/22) -- No Hat, No Shoes, No Sense

The day was sunny with some small breeze around the house. The sun was warm, which helped on the short walk around campus where the wind was very strong and cold. Earlier in the day, while sitting in the living room, I saw out the window that a major wooden divider by the edge of the driveway had been pushed sideways almost touching a front tire. Looking closely something else was at the edge of the lawn. Investigating the scene in person I felt I should have numbered markers for a crime scene <smile>.  Sometime last night, someone moved the heavy wooden divider and managed to walk away without their shoes, hat, lighter and phone. The phone had to be pried out of the mud where the wooden divider had been. The screen was cracked and it would not power up. These items were left in a consolodated pile for someone to pick up if they were able to retrace their path. (Update: These were still sitting on the lawn the next morning. I placed them on the boulevard near the street and they were gone the following day.) 

I've never had the wooden dividers moved by passers by before. I have had someone leave shoes and a hat behind before, but never a phone. Every scenario I thought about that led to these items being left on the lawn seemed so bizarre and improbable. I just can't quite understand that someone could be so under the influence that they would walk away without shoes in the cold and rain of last evening. There were no loud voices outside in the night, so whether this was a lone person or more than one in a group isn't clear. 

Pondering a song today brought me to one that made me laugh given the situation in the front yard. Maybe removing the shoes helped someone to dance better. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Footloose -- Kenny Loggins

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