After a phone meeting, I went for a short walk in the sunshine. I've been rearranging the items left after sorting so the rooms have a bit more flow. I'm not sure that it is feng shui, but it fits better and doesn't look as busy as it did before I began this process. <smile>
I've been pondering inclusion and diversity in its broadest sense today. Throughout my career I've encountered peers who feel that not all specialties are as important to the profession. <sigh>. My research interests have also been seen differently by others. I encountered another example today. I have one foot in natural sciences and the other in social sciences and humanities. My base training is in natural science but there has been much learned in degree programs and research projects that fell more into social science and humanities. Neither group feels that what I do fits their purist views, which leaves me feeling ostracized by colleagues in both areas. This makes it difficult to do what I need to do. The latest example of this will need to be discussed with the the person in charge. I feel compelled to note the dismissal of my input based on my perspective and training. It is not the end of the world in any way, just a major irritation today. <smile> I always felt that academia as a sphere should be ready to accept new ideas and discussion points from different angles. It hasn't always been that way <smile>.
As a post-modernist who sees the world in shades of grey, it is frustrating to see people building walls when they could be building bridges. Dichotomies bother me since there are so many ways to look at an issue that only two seems to be lazy thinking -- and missing many interesting viewpoints. I enjoy discussion and debate that expand my world view. It is sad that others limit themselves. I received a wonderful piece of advice when planning my doctoral work. I was advised to take something from a different discipline and bring it into my study. That first time, it was major concepts from social science and education. Over the years I have included more ideas from social sciences and humanities. I feel it enriched my understanding of the question being studied.
A line from a song came to mind while I've been thinking through this one. To me, it notes the isolationist aspect of limiting our thinking. Keep safe. Enjoy!
I am a Rock -- Simon and Garfunkel
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