A mix of sun and cloud prevailed today. It was mainly cloudy when I went for a walk early in the afternoon and turned to blue skies and sun by late afternoon. The wind was cold and made the trip feel quite brisk. If I'd been out longer, I would have benefited from wearing a warm hat. Many plants and flowers greeted me along the way. The squill turns many lawns blue at this time of year. A group of tulips are almost ready to bloom as are the first blossoms of a huge white magnolia. A day with sun and warmth will move this process along well. -- likely into next week. Plants that will bloom in another month or two have been growing well, too. I enjoy seeing the differences day to day when I'm out walking.
Most of the day was spent doing laundry and finalizing the tax forms. I should be able to get these submitted early next week. Receiving the final assessment isn't likely to occur for a month or more when I submit this late. For some reason, three separate information slips didn't arrive until mid- to late-March this year, when they should arrive by the end of February. Perhaps I'm not the only one behind schedule <smile>.
I chose a song today that brightened my mood. Doing the same thing over and over can get me down, but this helped me see things from a different point of view. <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Let's Dance On -- The Monkees
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