Major wind blew in a warm front. Tomorrow will be very warm. Today was cool and the wind made it feel cold. The snow did leave even without the sun. Wind is a snow eater. Many of my crocuses were in bloom under the new and they became visible as the day wore on. I look forward to a tour around the lawn tomorrow. I have avoided walking on it since the snowfall, as I didn't want to step on the flowers that I couldn't see. Tomorrow, I will be able to see them <smile>.
It was a day of errands that ended with a trip to get groceries. I paused to read the label of a new product, and when I turned around my cart was gone. There was a tall, slim man walking away from me, but he disappeared as I walked and looked down each aisle for the figure or my cart. Nothing. It was so bizarre. I had nothing of value in the cart, just a bag of grocery bags. I had been at the back of the store, and by the time I got to the front of the store, I chose to go to customer service. A staff member walked back with me as we looked down each aisle for the man or the cart. Two aisles over from where I'd been standing, stood my abandoned little cart. The staff person thought that someone likely took my cart by mistake. It happens. <smiles>. There was another cart just over from where I had been standing, so maybe. I was just happy to have the cart back. I was hungry and tired and didn't want to start all over again. I had gotten most of what was on the list. Whether it was distracted shopping -- low blood sugar maybe since it was over a mealtime -- or someone looking for something that wasn't in my bag, we'll never know. So much for my label reading habit. I guess I'll have to do that with a hand or foot on the cart at the same time. <shaking head>.
As I walked to the car with my groceries, a song came to mind. The first two lines stated what I felt without my cart <smile>. Keep Safe. Enjoy!
Lost in the Grocery Store -- The Clash
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