Friday, 1 April 2022

9-90 (31/3/22) -- Fridge Finds

A friend and I went for an early walk today and got a take out lunch. We had a very pleasant visit over food and tea. After completing a couple of errands, I decided to clean the fridge. Wow. Why does this take so long? Better yet, why don't I remember that it takes so long? Once you get into it, there is no way to backtrack before it is finished. Luckily, lunch was larger than I'd planned, so a growling stomach did not interfere with the process. <smile> 

I found a number of items that were well past the best before dates. I bought some of these fairly recently. I guess I'll have to check the dates more often when I'm shopping. I don't use some of these items regularly, so the replacement list is shorter. Other items will be on the shopping list as needed for particular recipes. It feels good to have this chore completed, though. Again, I am thankful for the recycling program we have that collects compostable items as well as beverage containers, paper, plastic, and aluminum cans.  The compost bin is large, which allows much space for such cleaning tasks. I do have to defrost the deep freeze, so I expect to find more items to compost with that job. 

A song came to mind that made me laugh. It seems to fit the cleaning efforts well. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Livin' in the Fridge -- 'Weird Al' Yankovic

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