A cloudy start today was followed with sunny periods by midday and a return of the clouds by evening. I moved the overnight snowfall of 2-4 cm (1-2 in), which was light due to the colder temperature. The wind picked up during the afternoon, so I was glad I'd gotten the snow moved before having to face into that that windchill.
While pushing the snow around today, I was thinking of electronic communication modalities. A quote came to mind.
Post-literate man's electronic media contract the world to a village or tribe where everything happens to everyone at the the same time: everyone knows about, and therefore participates in, everything that is happening the minute it happens. Television gives this quality of simultaneity to events in the gloval village. -- Marshall McLuhan from Foreword, Explorations in Communication, 1960
This media theorist coined the term 'global village' and spoke about electronic media that were nothing like we experience 63 years later. He was talking about basic telelvision (still mostly black and white), radio, and stereos. In many ways, what he saw happening then has become prophetic. Our current availability of social media has increased access to world events in the moment, not just at the evening and nightly news broadcasts. Instead, anyone, anywhere can spread news as it happens in what Edward R. Murrow called "the constant striving to reach the largest possible audience for everything." [From Oct 15, 1958 speech]
This brought a second quote to the front of my brain.
This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes and even it can inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise, it's nothing but wires and lights in a box.
-- Edward R. Murrow, October 15, 1958 in a speech delivered to the Radio Televsion News Directors Association convention) NOTE: RTNDA became RTDNA (Radio Television Digital News Association).
Murrow foresaw the pros and cons of consumption and distribution of facts, opinions and such. The current social media venues were born out of a sence of need to democratize media production and sharing of these productions. People record audio and video everwhere showing all or only part of a story. Misinformation has always been part of information sharing, it just is much easier to have a global reach now. I see the need for media literacy as greater than it was when news content was curated and under legisltation that required balanced reporting of news stories. Such skill sets help people discern fact from fiction and navigate the endless messages coming at us from all directions.
McLuhan referred to navigating the 'electronic skim' as a form of surfing, which leaves open the metaphor to us ultimately drowning in it all. The cacophany from all the messages bombarding us can be disorienting. I share a song that notes how media affect us in this way. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Noise -- Kenny Chesney