Sunday, 19 February 2023

10-49 (18/2/23) -- Enough Already!

After some light breakfast and a good cup of caffeinated tea, I headed outside ... to shovel ... Again! I had expected a layer of heavy ice pellets, but was met with a considerable amount of snow. This was  light but was about 15ish cm (6ish inches) and a bit deeper in some areas. The plows left some ice and slush at the end of the driveway, but not as much as I expected. I moved this all in two outings, the second to clear the end of the driveway with a smaller shovel.Under all that snow I found a layer of ice (about 1 cm/0.5/ inch) in some places. The porches and sidewalk are covered in a much thinner layer of ice and ice pellets -- thinner but no less slippery <smile>. On the upside, freezing rain and ice pellets accumulation was less than expected. Inside it was the same old Saturday housework. All in all a rather major physical activity day. 

I know that wintery weather didn't really arrive until late January. We did have some larger snowfalls earlier, but they didn't stick around for long. The past 3 weeks have brought cold temperatures and several larger snowfalls that have not disappeared. Rain has been minor and just enough to make the snow heavier to move. In terms of snow, I am so over this. It has been irritating at best. Snow and icy conditions make moving around much more difficult. Whether walking or driving, conditions are less than ideal.  

I've been noticing that even with the frozen precipitation, temperatures are going up and down -- almost in a transitional way. I like to think this means spring is not far off. <smile> I'm holding onto that to get me through the days of shoveling snow or walking on ice. The song today is an homage to that season. The folk sound of this one is somewhat soothing -- something I've needed. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A Lullaby of Spring -- Donavon

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