Saturday, 11 February 2023

10-41 (10/2/23) -- The Unexpected

Clouds returned overnight. I did see the moon and a few stars last evening, which felt great. The clouds also shared some snow overnight -- forecast was for 2-4 cm and the walkway had closer to 10-15 cm. With the warmer temperatures today, the snow turned heavy and wet. I managed to clear a pathway to the street (about 100 feet), another around the side of the house and both porches. I needed to stop at that point. A second trip out a few hours later helped me to clear the stuff from the street and sidewalk plows and the bit of driveway behind the car. That was somewhat  less work than completed earlier. It needed to be done today due to the colder temperatures expected into tomorrow that will turn it all to immovable ice. 

The mystery of the unprintable pdf from yesterday seems to remain. The Help Desk was able to print a page without issue, so there may have been a weird glitch yesterday. I'll try again when I'm into the office next. If it still dislikes my requests to print, I'll head over to the IT folks and try to figure out what is up with this one file. I've encountered several technology snafus this week. Things shut down once without telling me that the device had to be plugged in -- right in the middle of a virtual visit <sigh>. Several othere small but no less annoying gliches happened with other devices. So, it must be my week. I hope that the gremlins involved head elsewhere now. I've put up with a lot of their nonsense -- some one else's turn. <grin> 

The song choice today is ont about something that can shake up the mundane in life. The snow and the technology issues came out of no where and added something unusual to my day. Surprise can come in many flavours. This song itself is a bit of a surprise given the pop, upbeat sound being sung by someone known for a a decidedly different sound. Another of those unusal things for today <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Surprise Surprise -- Bruce Springsteen

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