Thursday, 23 February 2023

10-51 (20/2/23) -- Eerie Fog

It rained all day long. I thought of shopping for groeceries, but the stores were closed for Heritage Day. I did get to a physio appointment, though. The lower back has been problematic again. The adjustments and ultrasound should help things feel a bit better.  

The puddles outside are huge. I fear they will freeze before soaking into the ground. This is the time of year when the driveway becomes covered in skating rink style ice -- smooth and slippery. Just before turning in tonight, I looked out the kitchen window and saw a most eerie sight -- fog over the graveyard on the other side of the fence from my backyard. I checked around through other windows and the only place with fog was the graveyard -- not the entire area, just the part closest to my fence and a smaller building beside the stones. While it was likely caused by the temperature change above the snow covering the ground there. Yet, it sill looked a little creepy. I thought this would make a great book title -- Fog over the Graveyard. <grin>

The selection for today is a bit silly, but it fit the day. 

Lundi Gras Night -- Tijonne Reyes

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