Sunday, 19 February 2023

10-48 (17/2/23) -- Careful Walk

 Today was another cloudy day with rain. After sundown, the risk of freezing rain increased. Looking out now, the porch rails have a fine coating of ice crystals. It looks like diamonds. Beautiful. The rain seems to continue based on the sound on the roof and porch. This will change over to snow into the overnight, so the risk of freezing rain and ice pellets will hold for the next few hours. 

I went out for one errand -- to pick up some eggs. I tried walking uphill on the sidewalk and there were bits of frozen slush and water from yesterday, so I turned around. walked into the street and walked downhill on the dry pavement. The sidewalkes on level ground were fairly clear. Water running downhill on the sidewalk outside my yard always creates slippery conditions at this time of year. Even if salted, it all runs downhill and doesn't stay put. So, walking alternate routes becomes necessary. I was worried of slipping and aggravating the already sore back. Then I realized I was carrying eggs <grin>. Great day to need a restock. All eggs arrived home without incident.  I don't have plans to go anywhere tomorrow. Sun is expected on Sunday, so that will help to melt any ice that arrives tonight. 

Arriving home with intact eggs reminded me of a song I heard on television a while ago. It makes me smile. The duet provides some good harmonies in this rendition. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Scramble Eggs -- Jimmy Fallon & Paul McCartney

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