The sun shone brightly today. The arm came off my sunglasses, so it was difficult to see while walking without the glasses. I am one who wears sunglasses on cloudy days -- I'll spare you the long anatomical and physiological explanation <grin>. Thankfully, the car windshield has tint and a visor. I spent much of the afternoon shopping for groceries in three places. Then I walked to the post box in the next block to mail the letter I forgot to mail when out yesterday. So, a productive afternoon, albeit rather expensive. I'm not sure I'll get used to the cost grocery bills over $100 when nothing purchased fit into the what used to be the 'expensive' category. Many items were on sale, and yet that didn't seem to help in the final total. I got six bags worth of stuff, though, so I'll count that as the win for the day.
I do very little shopping other than groceries and drug store items these days. I wasn't a huge shopper before this, but would look at clothes and books and stuff. I do a bit of online shopping, but that is for necessities more than 'want to have' things. I'm not sure if this is due to inflation or retirement or a combination of the two. I used to go to stores just to look around -- get to know what they had in stock for when a gift might be needed. I don't even do much of that anymore. It is a small town with few stores overall, so that isn't as much of an avoidance as it might be in the larger cities.
A song line came to mind while shopping today. The lyrics refer to something other than groceries <smile> but work for my thoughts today. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Shop Around -- Smokey Robinson and the Miracles
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