Friday, 3 February 2023

10-31 (31/1/23) -- Snow & Disruptions

Today began abruptly with an emergency alarm on the phone noting that the 911 system was down in the probince. The text of the message gave alternate phone numbers to call depending on where we were located. About two hours later another alarm was sent to inform us of the restoratcion of service. Another message later in the day noted that some places did not have service restored and that the alternate numbers shold be use for those areas. When the evening news covered the service loss, I learned that it wasn't just the provice but the two other Atlantic provices, too. 

A summons to jury duty messed up my research and personal travel plans for this week. I found out today that jury selection was canceled for the February call. I'm not sure when things will fit together to rebook the travel -- sooner than later I hope. 

My afternoon outing involved shoveling more snow. Most was fairly light. It took about an hour to clear -- going slowly and pausing along the way. The expected about 10 cm (4 inches) but it was closer to 15 cm (6 inches) or more. At least the temperature was not very cold and there was almost no wind. A song about snow came to mind today. I enjoy the harmonies in this one -- great voices. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Snow -- Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Danny Kaye & Vera-Ellen (from White Christmas movie) 


-- song about shoveling snow 

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