Tuesday, 16 January 2024

11-16 (16/1/24) -- Weathery Moods

Today was a greyer day with some flurries in the afternoon. This is to turn to rain with wind and will involve ice pellets or freezing rain briefly during the transition. Colder temperatures will follow this system. January can be difficult. It is a cold month and brings with it a number of storms. February isn't much different, but it may be slightly warmer. I long for the sunny days, My mood improves on those days. The grey today occurred both outside and inside. <sigh> The forecast suggests we might see sun later in the week. I hope so. 

Weather on the eastern coast brings many cloudy days where the sun or moon and stars are not visible for a week or two at a time. Growing up on the prairies, I was used to more sunny days than cloudy days. So perhaps I am more susceptible to greyer moods with the heavy cloud cover. I recall a very wet summer when I lived in Winnipeg. Two other grad students were from the Atlantic coast and they were in such a positive mood whenever it rained. That is what they grew up with, so all the sunshine created off moods for them. That weather affects how we feel is fascinating from a scientific point of view. Living through it is entirely different. <smile> 

I chose a song that says part of what I've been feeling lately. It mixes reality and metaphor very well. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Waiting for the Sun to Shine -- LeeAnn Womack


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