Wednesday, 10 January 2024

11-8 (8/1/24) -- Waste Management Day

The north wind was very cold and blew me up the street as I walked from the mailbox around  the block. My other outing involved making three treks across the street to put out the composting, garbage and recycling. Yes, we have to put it on the lawn opposite our house since the collection truck only goes down one side of the street. <loud eyeroll> I guess the good side of that is that the truck goes up the opposite side of the street and I don't have other folks waste piled on my lawn. <smile>  The extra trips across the street came from the lack of pickup on the week of Christmas and Boxing day. In town, the pickup when a holiday fell on the usual day, happened on Friday. Here, the same company doesn't do that. Interesting. The temperature tonight will drop sharply, so I expect some of the green bin contents may freeze. We'll see tomorrow if the stuff got dumped into the truck or not. <sigh>  

So, I spent a lot of the day pondering the solid waste leaving the house tonight -- one garbage bag, three recycling bags and the little compost bin.  Getting it all ready to go and bundling up to get it out to the curb without me freezing mid-trip was a major event in the day. Like I've said, some days are just mundane <smile>. It may have been the cold affecting my brain, but the song that kept coming to mind was a silly one. Imagine that? <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Love Trash -- Oscar the Grouch ft. Josh Grobin

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