I saw much snow out of the windows when I woke this morning. The storm intensified into the afternoon with loads of horizontal snow. The evening should bring a lot of blowing and drifting snow. The drifts in the driveway are already knee deep. I'm not sure when the clearing crews might begin moving the snow -- likely not until mid- to late-morning sometime. I do have an appointment in the early afternoon, so we'll have to see if I can get out or if a taxi might be available or if might I need to reschedule the meeting.
Storm days can be fine if one is inside a cozy place. Today felt like found time, though it wasn't really. I got some planned things done. I enjoyed looking out the windows at the blowing snow from the warm inside. The unknowns of how much snow and when it will be moved away created a bit of anxiety -- only since I have appointments and errands that I'd planned for tomorrow. At times, I felt confined to quarters today. That, too, brought some anxious feelings. A major dislike of winter is the way it interferes with one's ability to move about by foot or vehicle. That results in further feelings of isolation. On an up note, our intrepid maintenance fellow came by to check on a few things I'd reported. His visit helped me feel less unreachable. Human contact can help reduce some anxiety well.
Lyrics of the selection today reminded me that there are things that can help us feel positive, even when 'snowed in'. Finding the little things to be thankful for can improve our moods. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Grateful -- Jewel
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