Friday, 5 January 2024

11-5 (5/1/24) -- Finding Gratitude in the Snow

I wok to a cold north wind blowing new snow that is falling, I went to push what was to be about 1 cm (~1/2 in) snow according to forecasts last night and today. The patio had close to 5 cm (2 in) and half of that was at the front porch and driveway. I wanted to move it since under the light snow lies all the ice from a few days ago. After pushing the snow, I added some ice melter in hopes that it will break up the ice on the walking area of the driveway. A cup of hot tea was needed when I came in from the cold wind. 

I know January has arrived, but I so dislike winter. The icy part of the season add to anxiety of getting around on foot or by car. The good things I encountered today included --  the snow was light and easy to push and lift when necessary; a path to the mail box has been dug out after each snow fall finally.  I found the annual journal that had been packed for the move (it was easy -- right on top of the pile); and even though I am losing faith in the forecasters abilities, there is still hope that we will see the sun and blue sky amongst the clouds in two days. So, the day was not all bad and it was even productive on my part -- for a change <smile>. 

Today I was grateful that I managed to find the positives rather than letting the snow and cold wind darken the entire day. That isn't always easy to do. It may be time again to pull out the gratitude list at the end of each day. Or maybe even in the middle of the day <smile>. I chose a song with lyrics that find happiness in snow. I'm not sure I'll ever get there, though. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Snow -- Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney, & Vera-Ellen (from White Christmas movie) 

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