Sunday, 28 January 2024

11-28 (28/1/24) -- Latest Portent

This Sunday involved waiting on the storm to start. We seem to be between the 10cm (4 in) and the 15 cm (6 in) lines on the snowfall forecast map. A high pressure system has pushed this low pressure further south, so the entire province is covered by a snowfall warning. This will be the first larger snowfall that I've encountered in this new abode. We've had wind, rain and lesser amounts of snow, so I'm not expecting too much different. Winds should be less than the past couple of storms as long as the forecast is close to what arrives. Waiting for things to start feels stressful, as one wonders if the meteorologists have chosen the right computer model and things don't become worse than predicted -- or in a best case scenario, not as bad as predicted. <smile> 

I have been doing the basics like charging electronics and finding battery-operated lanterns and fondue pot (for eating water for tea and such). I plan to do some month end accounting and hope to get to the article that needs final polish edits. A title line from a song came to mind as I found myself folding laundry and thinking about the oncoming storm. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Waiting on the world to change -- John Mayer

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