Saturday, 3 March 2018

Day 5 - 60 -- New Month Begins

A new month began today. With this comes a stronger hope of spring and alterations to the weather patterns that will swing even more wildly than in the past few weeks. This day also brings the anniversary of my mother's passing. I felt a bit lost through the day with subdued emotions -- sort of flat feeling. It wasn't evident externally all day, but the constancy of the feelings was in the background poking at me. Luckily, it was a work day, where interactions with other people helped me to move outside myself often.

Creativity of student assignments helped raise my spirits during the day. On the walk off campus tonight, I stopped to chat to a colleague I hadn't seen in a while. That conversation helped me to smile and laugh. As I left campus and crossed the street, I checked for traffic and stopped in my tracks when I saw the enormous moon low in the eastern sky. That is often the only place one can view the moon early in the rise. Buildings, hills and trees obscure the view from uphill and downhill. When I got home, a friend stopped by to share her latest baking venture -- hot cross buns. We had a good chat and I got to eat a yummy bun with my bedtime chai. So, all these events were gifts today -- gifts that told me I wasn't alone.

A lighter song by a famous singer-songwriter seemed to suit one of my encounters today. It is a simple song with wonderful descriptive lyrics. Enjoy!

Here Comes the Moon -- George Harrison

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