Saturday, 31 March 2018

Day 5 - 90 -- Looking up

I managed to sleep in a bit today, which helped a bit with the overwhelming fatigue.  It also helped me to focus on the next pile of grading. That pile has been stashed for transport back to the office. I'll need three reusable grocery bags to schlep it all back with me Monday. Perhaps a pack mule would help me get it into the classrooms for return in classes <smile>. Thankfully, my office is close to the rooms -- just down the hall. There is still some work to do on the class activity for Monday that will be completed tomorrow. I might get through the 'to do' list for once this weekend -- well everything that can't wait for a few days, at least. <smile> A light has appeared at the end of the tunnel.

I've heard from several friends lately who are dealing with major family issues. I wish I could be closer to offer some baking and a hug. Being far away from many friends can be a challenge. We don't get to sit with a cup of tea or a glass of red very often. They are always in my head and in my heart, just not in my living room. Perhaps the blessing here is that there are more communication technologies that allow us to converse in different ways than my grandmothers could. For them real paper letters were the main communication device, with telegraph and telephone only used for serious news. So, while we are spread out geographically, we are still in each others daily lives. I'll admit that this helps, but it is not the same as a face-to-face late night chat with tea.

A song line went through my mind as I finished the last of the lab grading today. It is one that could fit the needs of several of my friends, too. The lyrics can show that there is hope. The band that recorded the song is one I've featured here often, just not for a while. enjoy!

Long as I Can See the Light -- Creedence Clearwater Revival

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