Friday, 30 March 2018

Day 5 - 89 -- Full Work Day

I woke much too early. The alarm was set for Monday to Friday so it woke me early in the day. I tried to go back to sleep but it just didn't happen. So -- I got up and starting on the piles of grading that surround me. Today, I spent the whole day -- well 12 hours -- finishing the grading for one course and one of two piles for the second course. The latter should get done with a huge push tomorrow, which will leave a clean slate for the final batch that arrive Monday. Two exams have to be set and sent to the printer by the end of next week. So, no down time for a while, it seems. What is it that they say about 'no rest for' who? <smile> Weather outside was warm but wet, so staying in to work seemed manageable.

Traveling through the decisions and choices made by others and then by me is fatiguing. It did bring lines from a song to mind -- one by a favourite singer-songwriter-guitarist. I love the video as it showcases his wonderful smile. Seeing that and hearing the song helped to lift me out of the doldrums of grading. Enjoy!

Any Road -- George Harrison

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