Monday, 26 March 2018

Day 5 - 85 -- Moving Slowly

The sun shone from morning onward today. This helped with some of the hangover of nasty feelings from yesterday. Two classes done today with 5 days left for each -- things will be very tight for content but it should fit. Grading moved slowly forward as I got to the halfway point in the term paper for the upper year course. The first year course hasn't had much happen for a while in terms of grading the major project, but completed the weekly lab grading. It isn't moving as quickly as I'd like, but it is moving, so I'll have to take that as a win for now.

I still feel stuffy and dizzy from the head cold that settled in the sinuses. When things get uncomfortable, I'm taking some over-the-counter meds, some of which can make me tired -- on top of the cold fatigue and lack of oxygen to the brain <smile>. It is getting better and is leaps and bounds ahead of where I was at this point last week. It will eventually choose to move on -- I'd like that to be instantaneous but that may be an unreal expectation <grin>.

A song that came to mind today has been sung by many groups. The one I chose to share is by the band that I first heard perform this song. The lyrics reminded me of where my mind has been mired and the virus that needs to be evicted. The blues rhythm and guitar solo make this an amazing live concert event. The crowd shots do show another famous guitarist, so keep your eyes open <smile>. Enjoy!

Down at the Crossroads -- Cream (at Royal Albert Hall)

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