Friday, 23 March 2018

Day 5 - 82 -- Crunch Time

Today brought feelings of the end of a long day and a long week with so much more to come. For some reason, I felt less positive about things and had a gnawing feeling of something akin to sadness. Several events of the day could have contributed to that not the least of which is feeling so totally tired.  Granted there are other thoughts that could contribute to the weariness and feeling a bit down. I expect much of it is fleeting and things will feel better as the weekend progresses. I plan to make a schedule for the classroom work and the grading and exam preparation tasks that have to be crammed into the next 2 weeks. I have six class meetings left in each course, and far more material than can fit the time left. As with most years, editing material to cover high points will be needed. Completing that puzzle tops the weekend 'to do' list, followed by grading that will take much of the next week. There are aspects of the grading that can be interesting, but the sheer mountain of paper facing me can temper that interest and joy. I will need to focus on the positives -- taking each small step forward as progress, instead of focusing only on what remains to be done. When the frustrated and almost angry feelings surface, taking a break to walk, dust, sweep the floors and such might help me to recenter and return to the paper pile with a renewed energy. I'll let you know <smile>.

One song came to mind today. It is short, but soothing. The voice is one that brings relaxation. Enjoy!

The Long Day is Over -- Norah Jones

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