Thoughts of geometry and physics permeated the past two days. Looking out the window brought views of sunshine yesterday that turned to cloud and then to snow followed by rain and back to snow. Outside the window it was horizontal snow. Strong easterly winds pushed the precipitation to be parallel to the ground. Today it flew by windows at a 45 degree angle. Temperatures danced around the freezing point -- mostly just above. For the most part, snow melted as it hit the ground. Grass was white, but ground, sidewalks and pavement were only wet. By late this afternoon, the snow began to accumulate on all surfaces, but was slushy. Both days have had intermittent white outs. Travel hasn't been pleasant. I walked both days. Tonight on the way home, heading into the north wind, several minutes of snow pellets stung my face. It then turned to large wet flakes that turned my black coat white.
Many signs of spring have been in these storms. The temperature and the warmer ground caused snow to melt on contact. Transitional weather has been part of the last couple of weeks. Today was the second nor'easter this week with another on the way for early next week. Three big storms in seven days is not uncommon at this end of the continent, but it is always burdensome -- the stress of sustained nasty weather. Loud wind gusts can interfere with sleep resulting in brains functioning at a less than optimal level.
Thinking of a song made me smile about the stormy situations. I've experienced less window noise than roof noise as snow falls from the tree branches, though <smile>. Love the voice of this singer and this fun song for kids is fantastic. Enjoy!
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