Monday, 5 March 2018

Day 5 - 64 -- Acceptance

It is Monday again -- a day that starts very early with 8:15 lecture, followed by student meetings, another class at noon, and further meetings in the afternoon. By the time I left, the wind had increased a lot and was colder and out of the north. I got some groceries and headed home for supper and worked at grading things that need to be returned tomorrow. I'd hoped to get to lecture preparation which is needed for mid-week. That task will have be squeezed in tomorrow afternoon between meetings and late day lab.

I heard parts of the Oscar ceremonies yesterday night, catching some of the musical numbers nominated for Best Song category. It was an interesting mix this year. I did find one that seemed to match a theme running through much of the program and speeches. It seemed to be the sound of empowerment, determination and hope. Interestingly, the song is from a movie about a circus and its performers -- misfits and outcasts from 'polite' society (an oxymoron here for sure). Interesting metaphor in that one, I expect -- need to upack that one further. I will plan to watch that movie.  I'll share that song here tonight - along with lyrics and singer and chorus in costume for the movie. Enjoy!

This is Me -- from The Greatest Showman ft. Keala Settle

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