Sunday, 4 March 2018

Day 5 - 63 -- World Weary

Another weekend ends. Today was spent finishing laundry and completing work needed for tomorrow in classes and projects. The feeling of boredom settled in early in the day. Work was done, but it just seemed to be the same old routine experienced every weekend. A goal has been to have one day to do things unrelated to work -- paid or otherwise. Yet, the number of times that actually occurs is minimal. There is still more grading to complete during the week so it it isn't finished yet.

Feeling tired of the usual leaves me less interested in listening to the Academy Awards -- the big event on the television today. I find some awards shows intriguing, but the Oscars have become a bit too formulaic for my taste. Maybe I'll check in for a quick view; we'll see where things lead me tonight. 

A song that speaks to the boredom or weariness feelings is shared today. It wasn't one of the bands big hits. The video shows the height of fashion from that decade <smile>. Enjoy! 

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