Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Day 5 - 220 -- Light Returns

The day began with continued heat and humidity with indoors being very similar to outdoors. I remained home to meet the electrician. His work order was for two jobs. One seemed to have no cause but the solution was to change out the fuse -- again. The washer blows the fuse but only when plugged into one particular outlet. Checking could find no problem with the outlet or wiring. He had no answer as to why the spin cycle would do this but not every time, just every few months. If plugged into a different outlet, no problems occur -- other than the huge extension cord piled in the middle of the floor. As I said in a conversation, it is just one more of life's mysteries. The second job required new ballasts to be put into the fluorescent fixture. The old tubes worked once this was done, so I will try to return the new pair. These usually last for several years, so no need to keep the things around. They could easily break in storage, as well -- not good when they contain hazardous chemicals. So -- back they will go.

For the past month I've been flipping the switch for the fixture with no bulbs in it. Habits are difficult to break. This light sits above the kitchen counter work space. In the dimmer light of cloudy days, evenings and nights, it has been difficult to see well. There are lights over the table but they are not very bright and are on the other side of the room. It was interesting to note that without some sort of light, it was difficult to complete simple daily tasks -- well at least safely. Much like life's journey, some form of light acts to guide our progress. It might mean that one has to simply open their eyes or maybe look in a different direction -- be willing to see what lies ahead on the pathway. Many obstacles require a traveler to go over, through or around rather than remove the offending object. Having some light can help with planning forward movement and often make the journey smoother.  This reminds me of a saying I read once -- those mountains you have been moving, you were only meant to climb.

I will admit to feeling wonderful to have light in the kitchen again -- well lights beyond those above the stove or table. I carefully phrased my thank you to the electrician to avoid any light puns, which was not an easy task. After he left, I thought of a phrase from a song -- and was so glad I hadn't burst into song while he was here <smile>. The version of that song shared here tonight is one of many covers that have been recorded. Enjoy!

You Light Up my Life -- LeAnn Rimes

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