Monday, 20 August 2018

Day 5 - 232 -- Unpacking Plans

Today was my first full day in the new office space. Things need a lot of work to get it into working order. A few boxes to unpack and many empty ones to move elsewhere. The computer setup works but the ergonomics are problematic. With some time and another small table or stool or something, I'm sure we can get that working again. While pondering where to put things, I managed to get a number of small online tasks completed that were somewhat overdue -- not truly late, but later than I'd planned. I returned some 'extra' cords and an extra phone to IT and got my new parking pass for the upcoming year. The walk outside was pleasant today -- warm sun but a nice breeze that cooled things to a  pleasant temperature.

Cleaning and organizing the office space resembles the work with my mindset on living in a new space. It was odd being somewhere strange to me. I have had this occur on sabbatical leaves in the past, and it is doable. It just takes time to organize furnishings and thoughts to make it a positive work space. There are support systems that will help with this. I plan to connect with them all this week to get on the list for work orders. I look forward to choosing places to hang pictures and such once I get the cardboard clutter relocated. Then it will feel more like my place. Today it felt like a storage closet with wifi <grin>. Fixable but not without some lifting and toting. I aim to get much of this done during this week. I really have to be able to sit and type for the writing that needs to get started very soon.

While thinking of the unpacking left to do, I began to think of magical assistance -- like maybe the packing pixies could help while I sleep. <smile>  The song that came to mind should bring a smile or laugh -- it did for me. But the new office doesn't have a window -- Hmmm. Enjoy!

Happy Working Song -- Amy Adams

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