Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Day 5 - 234 -- New Digs

A second full day in the new office. Several areas tackled -- the last of the boxes emptied, distribution of empty boxes to new homes, further reorganizing of storage drawers, the final box for recycling. I even managed to do some online searching for a research project and an upcoming meeting next week. So, things are moving forward. So much more needs to occur with the desk setup, but will have some assistance with that early next week.

An interesting aspect of the move is that even though I'm only one floor up, I now live in a new neighbourhood. The people on this floor are all familiar to me, but we now share a hallway. The sounds of this new venue are different -- different voices, different phone rings, different building noises. Nothing unlivable has surfaced, but it is just different. As I often say, different is not bad, it is just not the same. <smile> With time this will feel more usual or normal, too.

An old song came to mind. It sounds rather kitchy in the current day, but the lyrics support the pros of belonging to a neighourhood. Enjoy!

 Friends and Neighbours -- Billy Cotton and his Band

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